Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness from Healthy Research are articles that cover health-related news, research and data, and wellness education. We know you’re dedicated to improving your overall wellbeing, and having access to health research is part of that puzzle.

Along with Living Lighter articles, our Health & Wellness can provide useful information you can use to build your wellness routine. This is where you need to be if you want regular updates on research and up-to-date health topics.

10 Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency

Our bodies rely on just the right amount of vitamins and nutrients in order to function properly. Too much, and especially too little, can...

10 Health “Facts” Now Being Questioned

Doctors, researchers, and even our parents have repeated the same health "facts" over and over again throughout the years. And while some of these...

Surprising Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Believe it or not, mushrooms may be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Especially useful for preventing chronic disease, mushrooms are...

Breast Health — Are You Aware of This?

Your breasts are made up of three main parts: the ducts, lobules, and connective tissue. The latter is usually soft and fatty or, in...

Know How Your Body Changes for Weight Loss Over 35

Wellness Tip: During aging, the body changes, making it more difficult to lose weight. Calorie requirements are less and metabolism slows. You may not be...

What’s a Coffee Nap?

Wellness Tip: According to Japanese researchers, coffee naps improve alertness quickly. Most people experience a period of drowsiness at some point during the day. A...

5 Things Secretly Making You Fat

Still find yourself fighting the "battle of the bulge?" While a lot of people will tell you that losing weight is all about calories...

Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People and Not Others

Mosquitoes are pesky, annoying little creatures. They buzz in your face, bite, and leave uncomfortable itchy marks --- and that's if you're lucky enough...

6 Relationship Regrets to Avoid

Anyone who has been in a relationship can look back and identify at least one or two mistakes they wish they hadn't made. Some...

Why Do Super Smart People Like Being Alone?

Super smart people don't have a great reputation in the social skills department. It's not that smart people don't have friends, but a lot...

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