(HealthyResearch.com) – No, this has nothing to do with solid waste or related bathroom issues. There’s another problem that could be going overlooked by far too many people and left undiagnosed, it can have serious health consequences. The connection might seem strange, but a sudden increase in toilet mold could be a subtle warning that it’s time to see the doctor.
More Than a Moldy Toilet?
Mold creeping into the toilet faster than usual might not seem like a medical issue, but it could be a sign that one of its users has diabetes. Yes, the reason might seem bizarre, but with a closer look, it all makes surprisingly perfect sense: People with diabetes have higher amounts of sugar in their urine, and that extra sugar feeds certain types of molds that grow in the basin.
The volume of sugar in the urine can be a huge indicator of disease severity — the higher the sugar levels, the poorer the control over the disease. Using this insight, some researchers have looked into developing toilets that can estimate blood sugar levels by analyzing the users’ urine. Closer monitoring of sugar levels in this way may help reduce the instance of certain complications, like glaucoma and kidney disease, that may occur when blood sugar readings remain consistently too high.
Other Signs to Watch Out For
A moldy toilet is just one of many symptoms that could indicate diabetes. People who’ve begun to notice excessive toilet mold should watch out for these other possible signs listed by the CDC:
- Dry skin
- Unintended weight loss
- Increased urination, especially at night
- Increased hunger and thirst
- Slower healing and increased infections
- Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
- Blurry vision
Additionally, people with type 1 diabetes may experience recurring stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Anyone with prediabetes, a family history of diabetes or a personal history of gestational diabetes should be particularly watchful for any of the above symptoms. The risk of developing both types of diabetes increases with age.
The toilet could be sending out a warning. Diabetes can be subtle in some of its signs, so it’s important to keep a lookout for the messages. Not all symptoms of disease are as direct as a fever or an achy body, and some can even form beyond the body itself. Toilet mold might be a distressing issue, but it could be pointing to a far bigger problem.
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