(HealthyResearch.com) – For anyone who likes eating pineapple, there are some great reasons to eat this fruit. Sure it tastes great, but it also offers vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help promote good health. That’s probably why some have named it the healthiest fruit in the world. Here are six good reasons to enjoy some pineapple today.
1. It Can Help Lower Stress
Dealing with stress can be difficult, but there are some things that can help. One of those is B vitamins, and pineapple has plenty of those. It’s not a cure for anxiety or stressful situations, but it can be a good way to help your body naturally fight stress more easily.
2. It May Reduce Cancer Risk
Pineapples are full of antioxidants, which may help the body fight off cancer. Antioxidants work by capturing and fighting off free radicals. That slows the damage that can occur to cells, making the cells less vulnerable to the development of certain cancers. Some research has shown that the enzymes in pineapple can shrink or even kill cancer cells.
3. It Could Lower Blood Pressure
There’s a lot of potassium in a pineapple, and potassium has been shown to reduce tension on blood vessels. As a vasodilator, this mineral also promotes good blood circulation throughout the body. When blood vessels are more relaxed, the flow of blood around the body is smoother and blood pressure decreases. That can mean a lower chance of medical problems like strokes or hardening of the arteries.
4. It Might Make Nails Stronger
With a lot of vitamin A and B in it, pineapple is a good choice to strengthen nails. It can be directly applied to the nails through topical treatments, or simply eaten frequently. Either way, there’s a good chance it will help people who have brittle nails that crack and break easily.
5. It May Give You Better Bone Strength
Bones and connecting tissues can get weaker as we age, and that can result in fractures and breaks. But pineapple may help you avoid some of that risk because it contains both vitamin C and manganese, contributing to good bone health. Just 1 cup of pineapple juice provides 70% of the daily recommended manganese intake. Studies show that manganese may reduce osteoporosis in women who are past menopause, but it’s a healthy nutrient for any age group.
6. It Offers a Higher Chance to Conceive
For couples who want to have a baby, the antioxidants found in pineapple may help contribute to good reproductive system health. Free radicals are very damaging to the reproductive system, but antioxidants attack free radicals and reduce their effects. Other vitamins and minerals in pineapple that are good for fertility include copper, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
No matter whether you like pineapple for the taste or the nutrients, there’s a lot to enjoy about this flavorful fruit. When you want to eat something healthy that can improve several areas of your life, pineapple might be exactly the right choice.
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