(HealthyResearch.com) – Everyone does it. That little noisy burp that comes out at the most inopportune time. Gas.
Passing gas is a normal bodily function and helps the body feel better and function properly. But when it occurs frequently or has other troubling side effects that come with it, it’s time for answers. Here are 5 surprising causes of gas and how to remedy the issue.
1. Sleep Apnea
Sometimes, swallowing too much air during sleep leads to excess gas. This could occur during a sleep apnea episode. This is where you stop breathing for a few seconds and then wake up gasping for air.
During this time, added air might get trapped in the intestinal tract. Your doctor may ask you to undergo a sleep study as a first step if he or she believes this might be the issue. From there, your doctor can work on a treatment plan that will help.
2. Medications
Some over-the-counter medications and vitamins might have lasting effects that can trigger gas episodes. These include:
- Antacids
- Diarrhea medications
- Opioid painkillers
- Multi-vitamins
- Aspirin
Check the side-effects of any existing medication you take to see if that might be a possible trigger as well.
3. Stress
If you’re worried about something or going through a stressful event in life, it may also lead to a buildup of gas in the stomach, which may become trapped. Bloating and pain may result and getting the gas to move out on its own may be difficult.
Taking an over-the-counter med for gas relief may help. Moderate exercise and drinking water might also assist trapped gas to move more freely.
4. Talking Too Fast
Experiencing more gas than usual lately? Believe it or not, talking too fast could be the cause. When you talk, it’s easy to inhale a lot of extra air, which might easily get trapped in the esophagus and swallowed into the stomach. This may lead to gas making its way through and eventually causing excess flatulence. If you find yourself super-excited and ready to talk a mile a minute, just slow things down a bit.
5. High-fiber Foods
Many fiber-rich foods may cause gas to pass more freely. Eating healthy is good, but eating bean dip or pasta several nights of the week might increase fiber intake.
Some vegetables, like asparagus, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, especially cooked with certain meats, may also trigger a gas attack. This might lead to gassy episodes that may be hard to pinpoint. Before self-diagnosing with a possible gastrointestinal problem, take a close look at what you’ve eaten over the past 24 hours.
There are several little-known causes for gas and abdominal discomfort. Most of them might be remedied by trying an elimination diet to pinpoint any food sensitivities. If issues don’t resolve or the gas gets worse or is accommodated by other symptoms, contact your healthcare professional for advice and diagnostics right away. But otherwise, it may be worth trying a few minor daily changes to reduce the gas you may pass.
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