(HealthyResearch.com)- Getting a good night’s rest is part of staying healthy, but not everyone is able to get the ZZZZZs they need. You can keep certain plants in your room to help make the atmosphere more serene and peaceful to help you get better sleep. Plants make the oxygen we breathe and almost any can be a great addition to the bedroom. There are 4 plants in particular that are good at helping you sleep better.
Jasmine is well-known for lowering anxiety and making a bedroom more aromatic. But it also helps promote sleep. Keep one of these bushy plants in a pot in your room and you may just feel your stress melt away. It is a surefire way to ensure you get a good night’s rest, with all of your stress and anxiety out of the window.
Lavender offers a relaxing scent. It is one of the most well-known plants for inducing sleep due to its ability to lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate. Keep a lavender plant in your room and it can help you rest comfortably. The plant is also known to help calm crying babies, which should be an indication that it works wonders.
Gardenia flowers have a wonderful fragrance, so you room will be well scented if you use this plant for sleep therapy. It promotes healthy sleep patterns and drops the rate of insomnia in people who come in contact with it regularly. If you keep one of these plants in your room, be sure it gets plenty of sunlight during the day. It requires proper upkeep if you want it to continue its sleep-inducing effects.
Aloe Vera
No green thumb? Aloe vera does not require much upkeep, so it’s a great plant for sleeping if you tend to forget to water your plants and give them the attention they need. There also isn’t a strong flowery scent if you are sensitive to certain smells. The plant has healing properties, and you can even slice it open to reveal the gel many people have come to know for healing sunburn. Even NASA likes the Aloe Vera plant, noting its effectiveness at improving the air quality because of the oxygen it emits, helping to make your sleep more restful.
There are plenty of options that work to induce sleep and help you get a better night’s rest each time you hit the hay. Pick up one, two, or more and add them to your room to help yourself get a better night’s rest.
Thank you to our friends at Wellness.com for sharing this piece!
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